Strawberry dressing
(Product registered on 30th Mar. 2021)
A dressing that allows you to enjoy the sweet and sour taste of strawberries.
- Retail reference price in Japan(before-tax)
480 Japanese yen (ex. tax)
- Net content
- 145ml
- Quantity per case
- 6pcs
- Best before date
(Content expiration date) - 365 dates
- Expected use
Retail(high-end) Retail【normal】、Professional【high-end】、Professional【normal】、EC
Detailed information
- carton size
- W19.3cm× D13cm× H19.3cm weight1.9kg
- Minimum number of orders
- 1carton
- Offer season
- Year-round
- Storage temperature
- Room temperature(常温)
- Means of transportation
- Dry container(ドライコンテナ)
- Ingredients
- Strawberries (made in Japan (mainly in Nagano prefecture), edible olive oil (made in Italy), apple cider vinegar (made in Japan) Processed food(加工食品)
- Allergen labelling
- Apple(りんご)
- Exporter
- Export experience
(including under challenge)
- Local distributor
- Remarks
Information of seller
Shinshu Shizen Okoku co.,LTD
6115 Zakoji, Iida-city, Nagano
- Industrial sector
- Manufacturer
- Language
- English available, but limited
Since our founding in 1983,we are proud to use no additives in product development.Most of the more than 200 products manufactured by our company are additive-free products, and more than 95% of the products, excluding imported products, are self-developed and manufactured products.
Detailed information
- Product registered
- 30th Mar. 2021
- Website